We are serving up good vibes for finals! It can be a challenging time but remember, you got this! 
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Block 25
  • 25 Swipes
  • $100 Flex Dollars
  • Per Semester
With the Block 25, you can use your meal swipes to gain access to our campus dining hall and all of the flavorful station inside the location The plan comes with 25 meal swipes as well as $100 in Flex Dollars per semester. You can use your Flex Dollars at our dining location on campus to purchase whole meals or an on the go snack. This meal plan is a great value for the commuter student looking for a lighter meal plan but access to the same great food on campus.

For commuters interested in purchasing or modifying their meal plans, simply sign up in person at the Cashier's Office or call (575) 538-6150 for more information.